Benefits of Yellow Mustard Seed Oil: The Powerhouse of Health and Wellness

Yellow mustard seed oil, also known as kachi ghani oil, is a versatile and essential ingredient in Indian cuisine. Its distinctive flavor and aroma have made it a staple in every Indian kitchen. But beyond its culinary uses, yellow mustard seed oil offers a wide range of health benefits that make it a powerhouse of wellness. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the numerous advantages of incorporating yellow mustard seed oil into your daily life. From its rich nutritional profile to its potential medicinal properties, we will delve into all aspects of this remarkable oil.

What Are Yellow Mustard Oil’s Main Advantages?

Mustard oil is utilized in many home cures due to its magical abilities, which extend beyond cooking and are believed to have curative benefits on the human body. Discover some noteworthy information and respond to the query, “Is mustard oil healthy?”

1. Mustard Oil’s Power Against Germs

Mustard oil is like a secret weapon against bad germs. It has natural stuff inside that can stop bacteria like Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, and Bacillus cereus from growing. Even fungus doesn’t stand a chance!

Studies have shown that mustard oil can pack a punch against these germs. In one study, it was found that white mustard oil could stop the growth of different types of bacteria, including the ones mentioned earlier. Another study compared mustard oil with other oils and found that mustard oil was the best at fighting bad bacteria.

And it’s not just bacteria that mustard oil fights off—it’s also good at stopping certain types of fungus and mold.

But, there’s a catch. Most of these studies were done in test tubes, not on actual people. So, we need more research to know for sure how mustard oil can help keep us healthy.

To Sum It Up:

  • Mustard oil has natural powers that can fight off bacteria and fungus.
  • It’s got stuff like glucosinolate and allyl isothiocyanate that help it do the job.
  • We still need more research to understand exactly how mustard oil can help us stay healthy.

2. Nurturing Skin and Hair with Mustard Oil

Let’s take a leaf from our ancestors’ book because when it comes to mustard oil, they knew what they were doing! Packed with vitamin E, mustard oil is like a treat for your skin. It’s been observed that regular massages with mustard oil can make a noticeable difference in the health of babies, showing improvements in weight, length, and overall circumference.

And it’s not just for the little ones. Using mustard oil topically can do wonders for your skin, helping to reduce those pesky fine lines and wrinkles, and boosting overall skin health.

But wait, there’s more! Mustard oil isn’t just for the skin; it’s a hair hero too. Thanks to fatty acids like oleic acid and linoleic acid, mustard oil can breathe life into dull hair. When these fatty acids nourish your hair roots, they can even help improve circulation in the scalp, promoting healthier hair growth.

People in places like Bangladesh have long used mustard oil massages on newborns, believing it strengthens their skin. While many folks swear by mustard oil for its skin and hair benefits, it’s important to note that most of the evidence is based on personal experiences rather than scientific studies.

If you’re thinking of trying mustard oil on your skin or scalp, it’s a good idea to test it out on a small area first to make sure you don’t have any adverse reactions.

In Summary:

  • Mustard oil can work wonders for your skin, helping to reduce fine lines and wrinkles.
  • It’s also great for your hair, nourishing your scalp and promoting healthy growth.
  • While many people find it beneficial, remember that scientific evidence on mustard oil’s topical benefits is limited.

3. Alleviating Pain, Especially Joint Pain & Arthritis

Mustard oil isn’t just for cooking; it’s also a natural remedy for pain relief, particularly when it comes to joint pain and arthritis. The secret lies in its allyl isothiocyanate compound, which has been studied for its ability to soothe pain receptors in the body.

Although most research has been done on animals, one study found that giving mustard oil to mice helped to calm certain pain receptors, offering relief from widespread pain. Additionally, mustard oil is packed with alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), an omega-3 fatty acid known for its anti-inflammatory properties. This can help ease inflammation and alleviate pain associated with conditions like rheumatoid arthritis.

However, it’s essential to be cautious when using mustard oil topically, as prolonged exposure can lead to serious skin burns.

While the evidence is promising, more research is needed to fully understand how mustard oil can effectively relieve pain in humans.

In Summary:

  • Mustard oil, with its allyl isothiocyanate compound, may provide relief from pain by calming pain receptors.
  • It contains ALA, an omega-3 fatty acid known for reducing inflammation and easing pain.
  • Regular massages with mustard oil can be especially beneficial for soothing joint pain and discomfort caused by arthritis.

Must read: Where Else Can We Use Mustard Oil Besides Cooking?

4. Potential Role in Controlling Cancer Cell Growth

Emerging research indicates that mustard oil could play a role in slowing down the growth and spread of specific cancer cells. The compound allyl isothiocyanate found in mustard oil shows promise in inhibiting the progression of certain types of cancer.

In a notable study, rats fed with pure mustard oil exhibited a significant reduction in the growth of colon cancer cells compared to those fed with corn oil or fish oil. Another animal study demonstrated that mustard seed powder, rich in allyl isothiocyanate, not only slowed down bladder cancer growth by nearly 35% but also hindered its spread into the bladder’s muscle wall.

Furthermore, findings from test-tube studies align with these observations, indicating that allyl isothiocyanate extracted from mustard essential oil could impede the spread of bladder cancer cells.

While these results are promising, further studies are required to fully understand how mustard oil and its components may impact cancer development in humans.

Moreover, based on my professional experience, mustard oil may have the ability to stimulate sweat glands, potentially aiding in lowering body temperature. This effect could be attributed to the active compounds present in mustard oil, which interact with the body’s thermoregulatory system, promoting sweating and subsequent heat dissipation.

Additionally, it’s worth noting that mustard oil is free from trans fats, which are known to cause insulin failure and high oxidation of fat. This absence of trans fats in mustard oil helps maintain insulin levels, thereby regulating blood sugar levels.

In Summary:

  • Mustard oil and its components show potential in reducing the growth and spread of certain cancer cells, as suggested by test-tube and animal studies.
  • Mustard oil’s potential to stimulate sweat glands may aid in lowering body temperature.
  • Its lack of trans fats supports insulin regulation, contributing to balanced blood sugar levels.

5. Promoting Heart Health with Mustard Oil

Incorporating mustard oil into your daily diet can do wonders for your heart health. Packed with Monounsaturated Fatty Acids (MUFA), it works to lower bad cholesterol levels and keeps a check on blood fat levels, all contributing to a healthier cardiovascular system. Moreover, the presence of alpha-linolenic acid in mustard oil further aids in reducing the risk of Ischemic Heart Disease (IHD).

Mustard oil stands out as a heart-healthy edible oil due to its low content of Saturated Fatty Acids (SFA) and its high levels of MUFA and Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids (PUFA), particularly alpha-linolenic acid, with a favorable LA: ALA ratio.

For patients with conditions like Myocardial Infarction (MI), using mustard oil in their diet has shown positive outcomes, including a reduction in arrhythmias, heart failure, and angina. This makes mustard oil a preferred choice for individuals dealing with cardiovascular disorders.

Both N6 (linolenic acid) and N3 (alpha-linolenic acid) are essential fatty acids crucial for the body’s well-being. While N6 PUFA helps in lowering LDL cholesterol, it may also decrease HDL levels. On the other hand, N3 PUFA plays a vital role in reducing triglycerides, blood pressure, and inflammation, improving vascular function, and reducing the risk of sudden death.

In Summary:

  • Mustard oil, rich in MUFA and PUFA, particularly alpha-linolenic acid, supports heart health by lowering bad cholesterol and maintaining blood fat levels.
  • Its favorable fatty acid composition makes it a healthy choice for individuals with cardiovascular conditions.
  • Both N6 and N3 PUFA offer various benefits to the body, including improving lipid profiles and reducing inflammation, thereby supporting overall cardiovascular health.

6. Alleviating Inflammation with Mustard Oil

You might have noticed your grandparents using mustard oil on their joints, and there’s a good reason for it. Mustard oil is incredibly effective in easing pain, providing relief, and reducing inflammation. It’s not just for joints either; mustard oil can also help soothe inflammation caused by conditions like pneumonia or bronchitis. Plus, its Omega-3 fatty acids work wonders in lowering oxidative stress and inflammation.

Traditionally, mustard oil has been a go-to remedy for arthritis symptoms, offering relief from pain and discomfort while calming inflammation in joints. Although most current research has focused on animal studies, one study involving mice showed that consuming mustard seed could significantly reduce markers of inflammation induced by psoriasis.

Mustard oil’s richness in omega-3 fatty acids, particularly alpha-linolenic acid, further contributes to its anti-inflammatory properties. Studies have demonstrated that omega-3 fatty acids play a crucial role in regulating inflammatory processes within the body, leading to a decrease in oxidative stress and inflammation.

However, to fully understand how mustard oil impacts inflammation in humans, further research is needed.

In Summary:

  • Mustard oil, when used topically, can provide relief from inflammation associated with conditions like arthritis, pneumonia, or bronchitis.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids in mustard oil, especially alpha-linolenic acid, contribute to reducing oxidative stress and inflammation.
  • While animal studies have shown promising results, more research is required to determine the effects of mustard oil on inflammation in humans.

Must read: How Do You Use Kachi Ghani Mustard Oil?

7. Relief from Cold and Cough with Mustard Oil

In India, using mustard oil for cold and cough remedies is a common practice. It’s believed to be effective in treating these symptoms by reducing congestion and coughing. One popular method is to mix mustard oil with camphor and apply it directly to the chest to ease congestion. Another approach involves inhaling steam infused with a few drops of mustard oil, which can help alleviate respiratory discomfort.

While mustard oil has been used traditionally for these purposes, there’s currently no scientific evidence to support its effectiveness in treating respiratory issues like colds and coughs.

In Summary:

  • Mustard oil is often used in India as a natural remedy for cold and cough symptoms.
  • Methods include applying a mixture of mustard oil and camphor to the chest or inhaling steam infused with mustard oil.
  • Despite its traditional use, there’s no scientific evidence to confirm the effectiveness of mustard oil in treating respiratory ailments.

8. Treats Cracked Heels and Brittle Nails

Treating cracked heels by applying candle wax and an equal amount of mustard oil is a great way to deal with them. Also, apply a layer of mustard oil on the nails to treat brittle nails. It acts as a lubricant for the nail bed as it gets absorbed quickly.

9. Supporting Heart Health with Mustard Oil

Mustard oil holds the potential to promote heart health due to its rich content of monounsaturated fatty acids, which are known for their positive effects on cardiovascular well-being. These fatty acids found abundantly in nuts, seeds, and plant-based oils, have been associated with various benefits, particularly in reducing risk factors for heart disease.

Studies indicate that monounsaturated fats may help in lowering triglyceride, blood pressure, and blood sugar levels, all of which are crucial factors in heart disease prevention. Additionally, replacing saturated fats in the diet with monounsaturated fats has been shown to decrease levels of LDL (bad) cholesterol, thus protecting against heart disease.

However, research on the direct effects of mustard oil on heart health has yielded mixed results. While some studies suggest a potential link between higher mustard oil consumption and heart disease history, others indicate a lower risk of heart disease associated with regular mustard oil use.

Yellow mustard seed oil stands out for its favorable impact on heart health, primarily due to its high content of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats and low levels of saturated fats. These healthy fats help in reducing LDL cholesterol while increasing HDL cholesterol, thereby lowering the risk of heart disease. Moreover, the presence of alpha-linolenic acid, an omega-3 fatty acid, enhances its cardioprotective properties by reducing inflammation and preventing artery plaque formation.

In Summary:

  • Mustard oil’s richness in monounsaturated fatty acids supports heart health by reducing risk factors for heart disease.
  • While evidence on the direct effects of mustard oil is mixed, its composition suggests potential benefits in lowering LDL cholesterol and preventing heart disease.
  • Yellow mustard seed oil, with its favorable fatty acid profile, serves as a heart-friendly option, offering protection against cardiovascular issues.

10. Benefiting from a High Smoke Point

Understanding the smoke point of cooking oils is crucial, as it signifies the temperature at which they start to break down and produce smoke. When this happens, not only can it affect the taste of your dish, but it can also lead to the formation of harmful compounds like free radicals.

Pure mustard oil boasts a high smoke point of approximately 480°F (250°C), placing it in the same league as other fats like butter. This characteristic makes it a popular choice for cooking methods requiring high heat, such as frying, roasting, baking, and grilling, particularly in regions like India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh.

Moreover, mustard oil is predominantly composed of monounsaturated fats, which are more resistant to heat-induced degradation compared to polyunsaturated fatty acids. This makes it even more suitable for high-temperature cooking without compromising its nutritional integrity.

However, it’s essential to note that pure mustard oil is prohibited for use as a vegetable oil in many countries, including the United States, Canada, and Europe, due to safety concerns.

In Summary:

  • Pure mustard oil’s high smoke point makes it ideal for high-heat cooking methods.
  • Its predominantly monounsaturated fat composition enhances its resistance to heat-induced degradation.
  • Despite its advantages, pure mustard oil is restricted from use as a cooking oil in several countries due to safety regulations.

Must read: What is the Difference Between Black Mustard and Mustard?

11. Anti-bacterial, Anti-fungal & Anti-carcinogenic Properties

Glucosinolate, available in mustard oil which accounts for antibiotic, fungicidal, and cancer prevention qualities, serves as a therapeutic for human health. It thus protects us from colorectal and gastrointestinal cancers.

Ally Isothiocyanate serves as an anti-fungal agent, which protects food from fungal growth and reduces infection.

12. Strengthens Red Blood Cells

Mustard oil is a major source of all fats required by our body to perform diverse biological functions as components of plasma, cell lipids, and cell membranes.

Mustard oil reduces cholesterol and improves the membrane structure of red blood cells (RBC).

13. Acts as a Stimulant

Mustard oil is a natural stimulant that is known to stimulate our sweat glands, thereby improving blood circulation throughout the body. It also helps to lower body temperature and remove toxins from the body.

Increasing blood circulation in the entire body also relieves and rejuvenates stressed and overworked muscles.

14. Enhancing Immunity with Mustard Oil

Mustard oil is tailored to meet our body’s needs, boasting a composition that aligns with our nutritional requirements. With less than 7% saturated fat and generous amounts of monounsaturated fatty acids ranging from 3.6% to 32.2%, it also contains significant levels of linoleic (18:2) and linolenic acids (18:3).

The balanced presence of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, along with vitamin E, ensures that mustard oil provides the necessary nutrients to bolster our immune system. A robust immune system is vital for overall health and well-being, and mustard oil, particularly yellow mustard seed oil, with its rich nutritional profile and antioxidant properties, can contribute to this aspect significantly.

The vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients present in mustard oil work in synergy to support immune system health, enabling the body to combat infections and diseases more effectively. By incorporating mustard oil into our diet, we can give our immune system the boost it needs to keep us healthy and resilient against various health challenges.

15. Reduces Diabetic Hazards

In my practice, I have observed that mustard oil might have analgesic properties. Studies have shown that mustard oil can stimulate certain receptors in the body, which may contribute to pain relief. – Dr. Rajeev Singh, BAMS

The amount of vitamin E in the alpha-tocopherol present in mustard oil has beneficial effects on controlling diabetic hazards.

16. Boosts Appetite

Mustard oil is extremely useful and can be consumed by underweight people. It makes you want to eat more by pumping your stomach and facilitates the secretion of gastric juices and bile which is known to create the feeling of hunger.

17. Gastrointestinal Health

Consuming yellow mustard seed oil may promote gastrointestinal health due to its potential antimicrobial properties. The oil exhibits antibacterial and antifungal effects, inhibiting the growth of harmful bacteria, fungi, and molds that can cause gastrointestinal issues. Furthermore, mustard seed oil can aid digestion, relieve constipation, and support a healthy gut microbiome.

Must read: How to Choose the Right Mustard Oil for Your Culinary Needs?


Yellow mustard seed oil, with its distinct flavor and potent health benefits, has earned its reputation as the queen of oils. From its heart-healthy properties to its anti-inflammatory effects, this oil offers a wide range of advantages for overall well-being. Incorporating yellow mustard seed oil into your cooking and skincare routine can elevate your health and add a flavorful touch to your dishes. However, as with any dietary or skincare changes, it is important to listen to your body and consult a healthcare professional if needed. Embrace the power of yellow mustard seed oil and experience its remarkable benefits on your journey to a healthier lifestyle.

Remember, for premium quality yellow mustard seed oil, look no further than Ashoka Oil Industries’ NETAJI brand. Enjoy the goodness of kachi ghani oil and elevate your culinary creations to new heights.